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Summer Reading Program 2025: Color Our World

North Dakota State Library and the Collaborative Summer Library Program

It's Smokey Bear's 80th Birthday! 

To help celebrate the USDA Forest Service has created a challenge! The challenge is open NOW through November 28th, 2024. 

The celebration goes well with the summer reading theme of "Adventure Begins at Your Library" but can be celebrated at any time! The challenge can be just the Beanstack (or paper version) reading challenge or can be an event you host at your library. The goal is to get kids reading and to learn more about fire safety. (PS – the challenge is geared towards ages 4-10 but is open to all ages!)  

To register for the challenge (ND Libraries only!):

  • Please note that part of the requirements for this challenge will be filling out a final survey detailing your event. (* Even if your event is just the reading challenge!) Survey will be sent after November 28th, 2024. 

Registered libraries will get: 

  • One roll of 500 Smokey Stickers
  • 50 Smokey Cards

  • Smokey Stamp for use on paper challenge, completion certificates, and other items.*

  • Access to a digital tool kit that has so many more resources! 

    • Printable challenge paper log, posters, bookmarks, sticker/button templates, completion certificates, coloring sheets, “Pin the Hat on Smokey” game, Smokey’s Reading List, and additional prizes.

    • Graphics and images for online platforms, social media, monitors, and websites.  

NDSL also partnered with the ND Forest Service and they will be providing: 

  • a FREE teacher's version of the "True Story of Smokey Bear",

  • a 11"x17 1/4" easel format book. This will be yours to keep and use, to tell the story of the brave little bear that became a fire prevention legend.

  •  additional selected activities for learning outdoors. These activities are courtesy of Project Learning Tree - North Dakota and FireWorks

  • Interested libraries may also request to have Smokey Bear appear at their events in 2024, as long as they are celebrating the Reading Challenge, Smokey's 80th birthday, or discussing fire prevention in some way. The normal cleaning cost of the rental has been waived for these reservations (thanks to the ND State Forester!), so these are also FREE! 

  • To Request "The True Story of Smokey Bear" and the Smokey Bear costume from ND Forest Service 


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Many of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.