Social media platforms are fighting back against fake news and misinformation. However, critics have said that these companies (like Google, Facebook, and Twitter) did too little, too late (even YouTube has been criticized). Following the explosion of fake news in 2016, social media companies were heavily criticized for their role in spreading fake news. They have, for the most part, taken positive strides in the years since.
However, we cannot completely rely on these social media platforms to do all of the work; it is also up to us to take on the responsibility of preventing the spread of fake news.
We cannot completely rely on these social media platforms to do all of the work; it is also up to us to take on the responsibility of preventing the spread of fake news.
While it is almost impossible to prevent fake news, we can, however, strive to prevent its spread. If you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Let’s all be part of the solution by following these steps:
In the wise words of Honest Abe: "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet."