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Climate Literacy Kit

The resources below are video links and resources from each of the lessons in the Grades K-2 Climate Literacy Kit. 

Reserve the Grades K-2 Kit Here

Lesson 1: Weather Watchers

Lesson 2: Seasons in Motion

Lesson 3: Weather vs. Climate 

Lesson 4: Climate Zones Around the World 

Lesson 5: Climate & Living Things 

Lesson 6: Caring for Our Climate

The resources below are video links and resources from each of the lessons in the Grades 3-5 Climate Literacy Kit. 

Reserve the Grades 3-5 Kit Here

Lesson 1: Introduction to Climate Change

Lesson 2: Earth's Changing Climate

Lesson 3: Human Activities & Climate Change

Lesson 4: ND's Ecosystem & Climate Change Effects 

Lesson 5: Mitigating Climate Change

Lesson 6: Climate Advocacy & Taking Action 

The resources below are video links and resources from each of the lessons in the Teens Climate Literacy Kit. 

Reserve the Teen Kit Here

Lesson 1: Introduction to Climate Change

Lesson 2: Exploring Climate in North Dakota

Lesson 3: Climate Solutions & Sustainability 

Lesson 4: Climate Action

Lesson 5: Green Future

The resources below are video links and resources from each of the lessons in the Adult Climate Literacy Kit. 

Reserve the Adult Kit Here

Lesson 1: Introduction to Climate Change and North Dakota

Lesson 2: Understanding Climate Science

Lesson 3: Impact of Climate Change on North Dakota's Ecosystems

Lesson 4: Climate and Agriculture in North Dakota 

Lesson 5: Climate Change Mitigation and Solutions 

Lesson 6: Taking Action - Community Engagement & Advocacy


Frankson, R., Kunkel, K. E., Stevens, L. E., Easterling, D. R., Shulski, M., Akyuz, A., Umphlett, N. A., & Stiles, C. J. (2022). North Dakota State Climate Summary 2022. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 150-ND. NOAA/NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD, 5 pp. 


Knapp, C. N., Kluck, D. R., Guntenspergen, G., Ahlering, M. A., Aimone, N. M., Ryberg, K. R., et al. (2023). Ch. 25. Northern Great Plains. In: Fifth National Climate Assessment. Crimmins, A. R., et al., Eds. U.S. GCRP, Washington, DC, USA. 


Claeys, T., (2020). North Dakota Forest Action Plan. Bismarck, ND: NDSU-North Dakota Forest Service. 52 pp. 


Hoell, A., Hoerling, M., Quan, X., & Robinson, R. (2023): Recent High Missouri River Basin Runoff Was Unlikely Due to Climate Change. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.,  


Derner, J., Wilmer, H., Stackhouse‐Lawson, K., Place, S., & Boggess, M. (2023). Practical considerations for adaptive strategies by US grazing land managers with a changing climate. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 6.  


Fisichelli, N., et al., (2016). Resource management and operations in central North Dakota: Climate change scenario planning workshop summary November 12-13, 2015, Bismarck, ND. Natural Resource Report. NPS/NRSS/NRR—2016/1262. 


McKenna, O. P., Mushet, D. M., Kucia, S. R., & McCulloch‐Huseby, E. C. (2021). Limited shifts in the distribution of migratory bird breeding habitat density in response to future changes in climate. Ecological Applications, 31(7). 

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Many of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.