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Public Library Director Toolkit

Cooperative Purchasing

General Library Supplies

From genre stickers and book covers to mending supplies and colorful displays, these vendors have almost anything you could wish for:

Book covering machines can be helpful to speed up the time it takes to process new materials:

For more information about mending supplies for the library, see the Processing and Mending page of this LibGuide.


All libraries can sign up for a TechSoup account to purchase reasonably priced hardware and software. If you need a new computer, projector, or even a subscription to Microsoft Office, this is a great place to start.

Mailing Supplies

Book Drop Alternative






Book-returns can be expensive to purchase or replace. A Demco product, for example, can run $800–$4,000. We recognize that this price range isn’t possible for many libraries, so we have found a solution. Consider using an architectural mailbox like this one.

The Elephantrunk Parcel Drop Box ranges in price from $220–$320 and comes in four different colors. It can easily be bolted into the cement outside of your library and treated like a regular book drop (at a fraction of the cost). This drop box satisfies the standard to have an after-hours book return at your library and allows your patrons to safely return their materials at their convenience.

IMLS logo

Many of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.