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Digital Initiatives: North Dakota Photographers Index

Digital Initiatives department at the North Dakota State Library


North Dakota Photographers Index


This index, compiled by the Digital Initiatives department of the North Dakota State Library, provides historical information about professional/ commercial photographers and studios in North Dakota. The index is in alphabetical order by the photographer's last name (or surname). In some cases, a studio name is listed. The index also provides the location and dates of operation of the photographer or studio (if this information is known). For the dates of operation, many are estimations. The most complete data in the index includes photographers and studios from the 1880s to the 1920s.

  • Scroll down to view the index as a PDF or XLSX (Excel Spreadsheet).

The index is likely missing many photographers, and not every photographer or studio has complete information. As a result, this index is an ongoing project. If you have any additional information that can help update this index, please contact the Digital Initiatives department.

Searching Tips

  • If you are using a computer, use the Find command (Control + F) on your keyboard to search the database.
  • If you download the index as an Excel Spreadsheet (xlsx), you can sort the any of the columns to view them A-Z or Z-A.
    • Open the file in Excel and then select the column you would like to sort. Then use the sort buttons on the Home or Data tabs to sort.
    • You can also use the drop-down arrows that are "built into" each column.

North Dakota Photographers Index

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