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Digital Initiatives: Digital Dashboard (blog)

Digital Initiatives department at the North Dakota State Library

New Exhibit

by Trevor Martinson on 2024-01-26T12:10:29-06:00 in Digital Initiatives Department | 0 Comments

In addition to Mickey Mouse entering the public domain, there is another reason to celebrate the new year. The North Dakota State Library (NDSL) is excited to announce the opening of a new online exhibit called “Education Not Politics,” a project of the Digital Initiatives Department.

The exhibit, using information and content from NDSL’s Political Prairie Fire digital collection, tells the story of Minnie J. Nielson, Neil C. Macdonald, the Nonpartisan League (NPL), the Independent Voters Association (IVA), the political battle over the North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the turbulent first years of the Board of Administration.


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